PHY 111 21 - General Physics I and LabGeneral Physics I and Lab
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(s) “Douglas Giancoli “Modified Mastering Physics for Giancoli, Physics: Principles with Applications, 7e” Pearson Publishing. You will need a Pearson Mastering Physics code in order to access online resources including homework assignments. This code can be purchased along with the text book. The actual textbook is not required to buy. However, some recent physics textbook is required to study from.
COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an algebra-based physics course designed to introduce students to ideas of measurements, units, motion, force, energy, momentum, rotation, and fluids. Topics include analyzing the motion of physical systems including objects in free-fall, objects moving at a constant velocity, objects moving with constant acceleration, collisions between multiple objects, and systems undergoing rotation. During the lab component of the course, students will design and carryout experiments, collect and analyze data, and communicate experimental results. Prerequisites: MAT 100, MAT 103, MAT 113, or MAT 204 with “C” or better.
COURSE DELIVERY FORMAT This course meets on campus according to the schedule posted above. The majority of the course content will be delivered through lectures and other activities conducted during class meetings. Online resources may be used to supplement the textbook or provide interaction with the content and/or assessment. The course will also have a portal page which contains the class syllabus, handouts, and important information (particularly in the event of a weather or emergency closing).
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES The content of this course will be delivered mostly though lecture sessions, simulations when applicable, and group work. Throughout a lecture, interaction beyond listening is expected. Students are expected to read the material, which is to be covered in class, before coming to class. Each reading should be in accordance with the reading assignments posted in the table below. Questions are expected, and welcome, and students should be ready to answer questions posed to them. Lectures will be supported by in class problem sets, as well as, by homework assignments. All are strongly encouraged to work in study groups for solving in class problems as well as homework. During labs students will work in small groups.
If you have a suggestion how to improve the class, please, let me know! You found www site which you find particularly helpful, please tell me. I will gladly try to accommodate each student learning style to the best of my abilities.
There will be practice tests on Canvas. However, it is not possible to post every single topic/problem on it. Use your text book to study and all online materials. Midterm will cover all topics up to the day of the midterm. Final test may include all topics.
ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance will not be graded; however attendance will affect academic performance. If you are not in class, you are not participating. Attendance will be taken daily and uploaded into the portal record. Students who are not in class at the time that attendance is taken will be marked as tardy. Students who miss class, are responsible for making up the missed material, and for any information provided on changes made to the course schedule or outline. Arriving later than 15 minutes from the beginning of the class is equivalent to a full absent.
Attending class is not equivalent to participation!
MAKE-UP POLICY If you are unable to take an exam on the scheduled day you must contact the instructor prior to the exam date. Otherwise there are no makeup exams without a legitimate emergency. If you do have an emergency and cannot take the exam, you must still contact the instructor on the day of the exam. You must show proof of the emergency including a doctor’s and/or dean’s note. There is no make-up for labs and final test. Final test grade is not your final grade for the class. Final grade is average of all subject related activities. If you miss a lab, points may be deducted.
CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY In the case of class cancellation the instructor will post it on Pearson, and a slip will be placed on the door of the classroom informing students of the cancellation. In the case of weather-related class cancellation, please consult the Quincy College website:
COMMUNICATION WITH INSTRUCTOR The best means of communication is by your student email. Use your college-issued email. Make sure you give me minimum of 24 hours. If it is on a weekend, or a holiday, it could take 48 hours to receive a replay from me. Make sure you say “Good morning!” and remind me your name, which college, and class you are in. I may not replay to any other emails such as gmail, aol, yahoo…. Allow minimum 24 hours for me to replay. I do not constantly work on a computer. Also on holidays and/ or weekends may take up to 48 hours to receive an answer. If you do not have a working Quincy College email account, please contact Information Technology at:
STUDENT ID CARDS All students must possess a Quincy College photo identification card. The identification card serves as proof of identification while on campus and is required to gain access to and use the facilities of Quincy College. All students are required to carry their Quincy College photo identification card with them at all times while on campus. Students must present a current Quincy College photo identification card when attending examinations.
CLASS PARTICIPATION Your class participation grade will be based on your contributions to the class discussions and overall environment of the class. It is not an attendance grade - coming to class is a prerequisite for participation, but it does not constitute any addition to the class discussion.
Participation includes but not limited to : contributing to group work, trying to answer questions, ask subject related questions, work on handouts and problems, taking notes, trying your best on a pop up quizzes, help others, paying attention and correcting classmates and me when needed. This class is very intense (only 5 weeks) and you should dedicate significant time to study.
Examples of ways to increase your class participation score include:
Examples of ways to decrease your class participation score include:
Before you start your homework , read the chapter first. Try to solve all the problems that sre solved in the body of the lesson. Then proceed to online homework.
Homework will generally be assigned weekly (or frequently during summer sessions). Each week we will cover new topic (summer sessions will cover more than one new topic each week as these sessions are intense). All work and labs are due the day of the final test. Lab report should by typed (12 Roman) and the original measurements/work would be attached to it. Attach your original work to the typed lab report when ready to turn it to me.
Homework will be assigned online through the Pearson MasteringPhysics online portal. EVERITYING ON PEARSON IS YOUR HOMEWORK! On CANVAS you will have notes, study help, online simulations, example problems….You should access the Pearson Mastering Physics page through the Canvas. You will need to purchase access to the Pearson MasteringPhysics website. Be sure that when you redeem your online code, that you do so through the Canvas ‘Mylab and Mastering’ link, not through the Pearson website directly. Instructions for registering for Pearson MasteringPhysics are provided in the ‘Registering for Online Homework Guide’ posted to Canvas.
Every week you will have homework. All homework is lined up with the topics covered during class time. For example: The first week we will cover 1D, Vectors and Units. This means that your homework on Pearson has to cover the same topics with practice and exercises. Do your best to keep it up with the pacing. It is intense class of only 5 weeks.
EXAMS Exams will be given in class, on paper format. Students are allowed to bring one sheet of normal 8.5X11’ paper with handwritten notes to the exam. No handouts. Simple calculators (not TI-89) are allowed on exams. All other materials and electronic devices are prohibited. If you arrive late for the test, you may not be given extra time to complete your test. Exception are persons with documented disability.
COURSE CONTENT Course content may be modified by the instructor depending on time. You are expected to attend the lab session EVEN IF THERE IS NO LAB LISTED FOR THAT WEEK! I will do my best to fallow the schedule as much as I can. If you miss a class, ask a friend to land you notes.
The content of the course, by week, may change as time permits!
Recourses: Off campus access to library resources Username: student ID# Password: same as for access to MyQC Portal
An official Quincy College student ID is required to access services at the Learning Centers.
Monday to Thursday 11am - 6pm. Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 10am - 1pm 617- 984- 1681
Student with disabilities: S. Bossa,, 617-984-1656
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(s) “Douglas Giancoli “Modified Mastering Physics for Giancoli, Physics: Principles with Applications, 7e” Pearson Publishing. You will need a Pearson Mastering Physics code in order to access online resources including homework assignments. This code can be purchased along with the text book. The actual textbook is not required to buy. However, some recent physics textbook is required to study from.
COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an algebra-based physics course designed to introduce students to ideas of measurements, units, motion, force, energy, momentum, rotation, and fluids. Topics include analyzing the motion of physical systems including objects in free-fall, objects moving at a constant velocity, objects moving with constant acceleration, collisions between multiple objects, and systems undergoing rotation. During the lab component of the course, students will design and carryout experiments, collect and analyze data, and communicate experimental results. Prerequisites: MAT 100, MAT 103, MAT 113, or MAT 204 with “C” or better.
COURSE DELIVERY FORMAT This course meets on campus according to the schedule posted above. The majority of the course content will be delivered through lectures and other activities conducted during class meetings. Online resources may be used to supplement the textbook or provide interaction with the content and/or assessment. The course will also have a portal page which contains the class syllabus, handouts, and important information (particularly in the event of a weather or emergency closing).
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES The content of this course will be delivered mostly though lecture sessions, simulations when applicable, and group work. Throughout a lecture, interaction beyond listening is expected. Students are expected to read the material, which is to be covered in class, before coming to class. Each reading should be in accordance with the reading assignments posted in the table below. Questions are expected, and welcome, and students should be ready to answer questions posed to them. Lectures will be supported by in class problem sets, as well as, by homework assignments. All are strongly encouraged to work in study groups for solving in class problems as well as homework. During labs students will work in small groups.
If you have a suggestion how to improve the class, please, let me know! You found www site which you find particularly helpful, please tell me. I will gladly try to accommodate each student learning style to the best of my abilities.
There will be practice tests on Canvas. However, it is not possible to post every single topic/problem on it. Use your text book to study and all online materials. Midterm will cover all topics up to the day of the midterm. Final test may include all topics. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance will not be graded; however attendance will affect academic performance. If you are not in class, you are not participating. Attendance will be taken daily and uploaded into the portal record. Students who are not in class at the time that attendance is taken will be marked as tardy. Students who miss class, are responsible for making up the missed material, and for any information provided on changes made to the course schedule or outline. Attending class is not equivalent to participation! MAKE-UP POLICY If you are unable to take an exam on the scheduled day you must contact the instructor prior to the exam date. Otherwise there are no makeup exams without a legitimate emergency. If you do have an emergency and cannot take the exam, you must still contact the instructor on the day of the exam. You must show proof of the emergency including a doctor’s and/or dean’s note. There is no make-up for labs and final test. Final test grade is not your final grade for the class. Final grade is average of all subject related activities. If you miss a lab you will be deducted 3 points. If you miss a lecture you will be deducted 1 points. Two tardy will be counted a one absence. Be on time and stay until the end of the class.
CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY In the case of class cancellation the instructor will post it on Pearson, and a slip will be placed on the door of the classroom informing students of the cancellation. In the case of weather-related class cancellation, please consult the Quincy College website:
COMMUNICATION WITH INSTRUCTOR The best means of communication is by your student email. Use your college-issued email. Make sure you give me minimum of 24 hours. If it is on a weekend, or a holiday, it could take 48 hours to receive a replay from me. Make sure you say “Good morning!” and remind me your name, which college, and class you are in. I may not replay to any other emails such as gmail, aol, yahoo…. Allow minimum 24 hours for me to replay. I do not constantly work on a computer. Also on holidays and/ or weekends may take up to 48 hours to receive an answer. If you do not have a working Quincy College email account, please contact Information Technology at:
STUDENT ID CARDS All students must possess a Quincy College photo identification card. The identification card serves as proof of identification while on campus and is required to gain access to and use the facilities of Quincy College. All students are required to carry their Quincy College photo identification card with them at all times while on campus. Students must present a current Quincy College photo identification card when attending examinations.
CLASS PARTICIPATION Your class participation grade will be based on your contributions to the class discussions and overall environment of the class. It is not an attendance grade - coming to class is a prerequisite for participation, but it does not constitute any addition to the class discussion.
Participation includes but not limited to : contributing to group work, trying to answer questions, ask subject related questions, work on handouts and problems, taking notes, trying your best on a pop up quizzes, help others, paying attention and correcting classmates and me when needed. This class is very intense (only 5 weeks) and you should dedicate significant time to study.
Examples of ways to increase your class participation score include:
Examples of ways to decrease your class participation score include:
HOMEWORK Before you start your homework , read the chapter first. Try to solve all the problems that sre solved in the body of the lesson. Then proceed to online homework. Homework will generally be assigned weekly (or frequently during summer sessions). Each week we will cover new topic (summer sessions will cover more than one new topic each week as these sessions are intense). All work and labs are due the day of the final test. Lab report should by typed (12 Roman) and the original measurements/work would be attached to it. Attach your original work to the typed lab report when ready to turn it to me. Homework will be assigned online through the Pearson MasteringPhysics online portal. EVERITYING ON PEARSON IS YOUR HOMEWORK! On CANVAS you will have notes, study help, online simulations, example problems….You should access the Pearson Mastering Physics page through the Canvas. You will need to purchase access to the Pearson MasteringPhysics website. Be sure that when you redeem your online code, that you do so through the Canvas ‘Mylab and Mastering’ link, not through the Pearson website directly. Instructions for registering for Pearson MasteringPhysics are provided in the ‘Registering for Online Homework Guide’ posted to Canvas.
Every week you will have homework. All homework is lined up with the topics covered during class time. For example: The first week we will cover 1D, Vectors and Units. This means that your homework on Pearson has to cover the same topics with practice and exercises. Do your best to keep it up with the pacing. It is intense class of only 5 weeks.
EXAMS Exams will be given in class, on paper format. Students are allowed to bring one sheet of normal 8.5X11’ paper with handwritten notes to the exam. No handouts. Simple calculators (not TI-89) are allowed on exams. All other materials and electronic devices are prohibited. If you arrive late for the test, you may not be given extra time to complete your test. Exception are persons with documented disability. COURSE CONTENT Course content may be modified by the instructor depending on time. You are expected to attend the lab session EVEN IF THERE IS NO LAB LISTED FOR THAT WEEK! I will do my best to fallow the schedule as much as I can. If you miss a class, ask a friend to land you notes.
The content of the course, by week, may change as time permits!
Recourses: Off campus access to library resources Username: student ID# Password: same as for access to MyQC Portal An official Quincy College student ID is required to access services at the Learning Centers.
Monday to Thursday 11am - 6pm. Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 10am - 1pm 617- 984- 1681
Student with disabilities: S. Bossa,, 617-984-1656
This is an algebra based physics course. Lecture topics include: The principles of mechanics emphasizing the conservation of momentum and energy through a study of uniform accelerated motion. Topics include Newton’s laws, work and energy, centripetal force, and moments of inertia Prerequisites: MAT 100, MAT 103, MAT 113, or MAT 204 with “C” or better. |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |