CJS 204 38 - Probation, Parole & Community CorrProbation, Parole & Community Corr


Summer II 2018--Tuesday and Thursdays 6 - 10 PM

CJS204 38 Probation, Parole & Community Corrections

Instructor: Linda McCann                                              Email: linda.mccann@fac.quincycollege.edu

Required Textbook: Abadinsky, Howard (2015) "Probation and Parole: Theory and Practice," 12th Ed. Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN: 978-0-13-348370-3

Course Description: Probation, parole and community-based sanctions, procedures, practices, and personnel are surveyed and evaluated. Probation, parole and community programs are presented in their historical, philosophical, social and legal context. Theory and practice are integrated to the greatest extent possible.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the implementation and role of probation and parole in American Criminal Justice system.
  • Discuss factors contributing to a sentence of probation and list typical requirements of probation.
  • Outline the history of probation and parole, focusing on the major reforms applied in both areas.
  • Articulate the role of the probation officer in the implementation of justice upon juveniles.
  • Discuss the role of parole as it relates to an indeterminate sentencing philosophy.
  • List various legal challenges to the administration and discuss current practices of that topic.
  • Detail the qualifications, daily duties, strengths and ethics of probation and parole officers.
  • Compare the supervision challenges between probation and parole supervisor staff.
  • Discuss special needs populations and their challenges to probation/parole activities.
  • Discuss the legal considerations revolving around revocation proceedings.
  • Compare indeterminate, determinate, and mixed sentencing models in regard to their relationship of probation and/or parole.
  • Articulate constitutional protections of probationers/parolees.
  • Explain future challenges to the use of probation and parole.

Course Delivery Format: This course meets on campus according to the schedule posted above. The majority of the course content will be delivered through lectures and other activities during class meetings. Online resources may be used to supplement the textbook or provide interaction with the content and/or assessment. Guest speakers from probation and parole departments will be invited to share their expertise with the class members.

Instructional Methodologies: The examination of audio and video media as well as internet media including academic, cultural and popular websites. "Hands-on" activities, group activities, oral presentations and academic writing and research will be incorporated into the class activities.

Grading Policy: All assignments are due at the beginning of every class. More information to follow on weight of various assignments during first class meeting.

Attendance Policy: Attendance will not be graded; however, your attendance will affect your academic performance. Attendance is not required, but will be taken daily per Quincy College policy. I recognize that you are adults and I leave the decision to attend or not attend lectures at your discretion (the obvious exception being exam days.) However, it is the student's responsibility to make up any missed lecture material on his/her own.

Make-up Work: No late work shall be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Class Cancellation Policy: Although rare, class cancellations may occur during inclement weather, faculty illness or other professional reasons. If a class is cancelled, students are responsible to submit any homework during the next scheduled class time. If a quiz or test had been scheduled during a cancelled class time, students should continue to study for the test/exam as it will be given during the next session. Students should read the chapter and any supplemental materials in preparation for the class and come to the next session with questions they may have. An email will be sent out to students via the Portal notifying them of the cancellation prior to the beginning of class.

Communication with Instructor: Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions that may come up throughout the semester.

linda.mccann@fac.quincycollege.edu is the best way to reach me for the quickest response.




Course Summary:

Date Details Due